Rina Moment

A Vathy Moment

Vathy:  “where you can walk in a dream.”

Vathy is a true paradise for those looking for a connection with nature, with its insatiable landscapes and crystal clear waters: explore, & your heartbeat will be filled with a sense of wonder and awe at the beauty that surrounds you; in this majestic Valley, with its cultivated groves, dense vegetation, towering cliffs, & the peaceful Rina Harbour, where fishermen trade their catch and boats rest gently on the waves. In Season the sleepy, mid-day streets, awaken to the arrival of ‘picnic barques’, bringing sun-tanned visitors, eager to explore its unique, traditional, Greek atmosphere; restaurants, Bars & numerous stalls selling holiday mementos.

The Vathy valley is a place that truly captures the essence of the Greek islands; a magical oasis of cultivated citrus groves and lush, green, vegetation that stretches as far as the eye can see, its atmosphere, filling your senses: it is a place of boundless peace, where time seems to stand still leaving the rustling of leaves and the soft buzzing of bees.

If you wander through this beautiful place, you will come across the prehistoric Kastela: ancient ruins which have stood for thousands of years, where, the ghosts of the past mingle with the present, echoed in the sturdy, stone walls of Ebola, a residential area from the Hellenistic era, with its mosaic adorned floors. History in the Vathi Valley runs deep and is evident at every corner, from ancient  caves & historical stones that dot the landscape, to the traditional houses that are scattered throughout.

It is a place where you can connect with the natural world, let the worries of everyday life slip away, & lose yourself in the eternal beauty that surrounds you. It reminds me of the words of John Muir, who once said, “In every nature walk, you get much more than you bargained for.” You will have this feeling in every step you take here, making your soul feel free. You will be incredibly grateful to have experienced this magical place, with a deep connection with it which will accompany you forever.

Story: Stathis Klimis Brian Glanville

Stathis Klimis
Brian Glanville

On the build

Retired Captain